יום ראשון, 21 בספטמבר 2008


The outrage over the Gov Palin dis-invite is growing. Meanwhile remember that the following rally is going forward on Sunday 21st. Governor Palin has been invited.



                  AND NO  IRANIAN NUKES


Join us at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 47th Street and lst Avenue, across from the United Nations Bldg., in New York City, at 10:00 AM, Sunday, Sept. 21, 2008, "World Peace Day" where we will march around the plaza seven times and at 12:00 Noon we will aim at the U.N. when they ring their peace bell.  To show our contempt for the U.N. being controlled by the Muslims and oil countries that are anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Christian and anti-America.
The Shofar blowing is to bring down that "Wall of Hate" at the United Nations just as Joshua brought down the Walls of Jericho many centuries ago.

We will then march to the Israeli Consulate on 43rd Street and Second Avenue and repeat  return to the Plaza to continue the rally.
Let the United Nations, the nation and the world know how we feel about these issues as we honor our "Covenant" with G-d.

 305-864-5110 - www.defendjerusalem.net

Thanks for helping Israel. -- US4Israel


1. Comments, questions and complaints welcome! Write us at us4israel@gmail.com about any aspect of supporting Israel's rights and overcoming anti-Semitism toward Israel and Israelis


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יום שני, 8 בספטמבר 2008

Students to strike, protesting THE SILENCE re Eretz Yisrael!

Students to strike,

protesting THE SILENCE re Eretz Yisrael!


In response to the silence of the Orthodox Jewish leadership on the planned expulsion of the Jews of Yehuda and Shomron:

 Student Protest in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, California, Canada and elsewhere. 
Contact strike4eyisroel@gmail.com and include your name, school and city  for further updates.

The demand of the student leaders is as follows: 

The Jewish establishment must set into motion a serious plan to protest  and, with G-d's help prevent, the expulsion.

    The youth involved have been working hard to make this campaign a serious reality. After the expulsion from Gush Katif many youth in America were shocked, and vowed not to remain silent in the face of another expulsion. Parents, grandparents and teachers: encourage us, help us, forward this email to young people you know, and even join us!

Planned Date:  Thursday, September 18th, starting 9:00am

at Yeshivas and Girls' Schools, High Schools and Day Schools, anywhere in North America.
For example, you may gather a group of friends during recess, hold up a sign during recess, and go back into class later than you normally would (after all -- this is a protest). Hold a sign (see the attachment for an example)  and of course, take a picture of yourselves and forward it 
to the Student strike leaders! (you can take a practice picture now, and send it along...)
Yosef Rabin, the Representative of the Student strike leaders, is looking forward to hearing from you and other potential strikers,  May God give us the strength to speak like Calev Ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua bin Nun and spread the true message of Eretz Yisrael: "Aloh Na'aleh Ki Yachol Nuchal La."  Write to:  strike4eyisroel@gmail.com

Background information:

  • The principle -- giving up  Yehudah and the Shomron & Giving up Yerushalayim is the same principle so if you concede the 1st, you will eventually be forced to concede the 2nd
  • Giving away parts of Yehudah and the Shomron endangers Yerushalayim, so it is impossible to save Yerushalyim if Yehuda and the Shomron are ignored: -- if you have a Palestinian State chas vechalila, Yerushalyim is 5 minutes away from it so ostensibly hanging onto Yerushalyim is really meaningless, Palestinian state means (among other things) that Yerushalayim will not be livable for Jews. Also, according to Jewish tradition, the Avoda in the Bais Hamikdash can not begin without seeing the daylight in Hebron (Brachot, Perek 3).
  •  The existence of the only Jewish state in the world is at stake -- giving up Yehudah and the Shomron and setting up a Palestinian State means NO ISRAEL.  The reason is because Lebanon (which was last summer's danger) imperils "only" Israel's sparsely populated north. Gaza (which is the current danger) imperils "only'  Israel's sparsely populated south. PAL. STATE IN Judea and Samaria IMPERILS ISRAEL'S VERY HEAVILY POPULATED CENTER REGION because it is just a bike ride away from there. many many people, all the business centers, sole International airport etc. so the country physically would not be viable.
Common sense points made by the Lubavitch Rebbe, zt"l, one of the greatest of the American Jewish leaders:
  1. The duty to protest falls squarely on the shoulders of the Rabbis. This obligation falls upon all Rabbis who arbitrate practical matters of Jewish law — whether in Israel or in the Diaspora.
    2.    A  Rabbi must not wait until he is asked. Rather, he must see to it that "there will not be a single individual who has not heard of this ruling." This is because regarding these matters, "he who asks (rather than acts) is a spiller of blood, and the one who waits to be asked is contemptible".
    3.     One should publicize the decision of the "Great Assembly" of 1937,  which states that "it is forbidden to cede to a non-Jew, even a tiny strip of the Land of Israel", until the entire Jewish people are aware of this ruling.
    4.    At times the situation is such that there is nothing left to do but to protest. This is a precise indication that our task in this situation is to protest.
    5.    The Rabbi must protest without fear, and without considering the reaction which may follow his ruling (such as being ignored); especially because this is an ongoing matter, which concerns saving Jewish lives.
    6.    The obligation not to stand idly by while your brother's blood is being spilled, applies in every situation, even when one is uncertain that his protest will have any effect. Even if the chance that protest will assist is only one thousandth of a chance, or a fraction of that, one is obligated to protest, because this is the law in the Code of Jewish Law. Even if the majority remain silent, and those protesting are in the minority, nevertheless, the minority is taken into consideration.
    7.    The Rabbis who remain silent cause the greatest damage. This is analagous to the Talmudic law concerning seventy Rabbinic judges who rule for or against a certain side, with one judge "abstaining." In such a case, Jewish Law requires the entire trial to be rendered null and void.

יום רביעי, 9 ביולי 2008

"Bodies returned, if terrorist is released": Deal is still pending!

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Will Israel release arch-terrorist Samir Kuntar? (update)
The deal according to which the Government of Israel will release Palestinian arch-terrorist Samir Kuntar from his prison cell, and in return, the Hizbullah would return the bodies of 2 Israeli soldiers, is still pending. Here's the exact status: http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=39869
Help the Government of Israel restore its strong values against terror of yesteryear, by respectfully reminding Israel:
   "Dear Prime Minister Olmert, Don't release live terrorists for dead soldiers!
    Do not release Samir Kuntar, the terrorist who shot a 4 year old girl's father in front of her eyes and then smashed the little girl to death on the rocks of a Nahariya beach!"
Remember: where values are concerned -- Israel is extremely conscious of the opinions of world Jewry and of its friends abroad.
Use these email addresses!! Use these next few days!! Pass this on to all Jewish (and non-Jewish) friends of Israel!
Write to:

pmo.heb@it.pmo.gov.il,medini@it.pmo.gov.il, amnon.benami@it.pmo.gov.il, tzahig@it.pmo.gov.il,raanan.dinur@it.pmo.gov.il,yoram.turbowicz@it.pmo.gov.il,




 edna@it.pmo.gov.il,vered.swid@it.pmo.gov.il,aviw@it.pmo.gov.il,david.baker@it.pmo.gov.il,yehiel_nizri@walla.co.il, sar@mof.gov.il, sar@moit.gov.il;sar@mfa.gov.il,sar@justice.gov.il,sar@molsa.gov.il,sar@moch.gov.il,sar@tourism.gov.il,sar@mops.gov.il,minister@most.gov.il, sar@moia.gov.il, sar@mot.gov.il,sar@mod.gov.il,sar@moh.health.gov.il,sar@moin.gov.il,mshitrit@knesset.gov.il,gezra@knesset.gov.il, pniot@mod.gov.il,sar@mof.gov.il,info@education.gov.il,mancal@justice.gov.il,pniot@moh.health.gov.il, reitanhantman@knesset.gov.il, sar@moit.gov.il,info@ng.pmo.gov.il,pniot@mni.gov.il,sar@sviva.gov.il,mankal@moag.gov.il, dovrut@moc.gov.il,sar@moc.gov.il


Or call Prime Minister Olmert's office: 972-2-6705555.


Please feel free to bcc us at: us4israel@gmail.com.

Do not worry if some of the email addresses do not work.


Thanks for helping Israel.




1. Comments, questions and complaints welcome! Write us at us4israel@gmail.com about any aspect of supporting Israel's rights and overcoming anti-Semitism toward Israel and Israelis


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יום חמישי, 22 במאי 2008

CAMERA: Washington Post obsessive-compulsive about settlements, ignores terrorism against Israel

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Important information for friends of Israel -- from CAMERA (slightly amended and abbreviated by US4Israel, for your convenience). 

The Washington Post: Obsessive-Compulsive Coverage of settlements
In "Mutual Dismay Over Jewish Settlements (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/19/AR2008051902449.html?referrer=emailarticle) (May 20), The Washington Post ran a long article on Israel's construction of Jewish neighborhoods and communities in the disputed West Bank (Judea and Samaria). Errors of commission, omission and editorial judgment render the dispatch more promotional writing than reporting.
Major flaws
1. The Post quotes "Hagit Ofran, settlement expert for the Israeli advocacy group Peace Now."  Peace Now once made international headlines with a report charging that 86.4 percent of Ma'ale Adumim was built on private Arab land; the correct figure was less than 1 percent (0.54 percent). 
2. The Post's description of Ma'ale Adumim as "a settlement due east of Jerusalem" is misleading. Ma'ale Adumim is four miles from downtown Jerusalem -- closer to the Knesset, Israel's parliament, than suburban Bethesda, Md. is to the U.S. Capitol.
3. The Post declares, without attribution, that "the Palestinian nation, when and if it is created, will include the West Bank and Gaza."  In fact, the West Bank and Gaza Strip remain disputed territories: the unallocated five percent of the original British Mandate for Palestine  (Jordan comprises 77.5 percent, pre-'67 Israel 17.5 percent). The Post pre-judges the outcome of future events.
4. The Post writes that "to the Palestinians, expansion of settlements represents proof that Israel is not serious about wanting a deal." There's no mention at all of Palestinian behavior: thousands of rockets and other terrorist attacks launched from the Gaza Strip (after Israel razed two dozen settlements and evacuated nearly 9,000 settlers in 2005) that prove to Israelis that the Palestinian Arabs are not serious about wanting a deal.
Reinforcing this one-sided coverage, the accompanying chart notes, among other things, that in 2007 "the Quartet called on both parties to make progress on their Phase One Roadmap obligations, including an Israeli freeze on settlements." Glaringly omitted is the Palestinians' Phase One Roadmap obligation: to eliminate terrorist attacks on Israel and terrorist organizations.
5. The Post alleges that "at stake is the future of land that has been in dispute since 1967, when Israeli forces conquered Arab territory." In fact, the territory is not Arab. Its legal status and sovereignty have been in dispute since the British Mandate ended in 1948. Jordan then illegally occupied it, but Jewish rights to "settlement on the land" were recognized by the original League of Nations' mandate and later adopted by the United Nations, and have never lapsed. Here again, The Post commits Middle East revisionism.
Action item: Write The Post at letters@washpost.com  with a copy to: Jerusalem Bureau Chief Griffe Witte, Foreign Editor Scott Wilson, Assistant Managing Editor for Foreign News David Hoffman, Managing Editor Philip Bennett and Ombudsman Deborah Howell whose addresses are: witteg@washpost.com, wilsons@washpost.com, hoffmand@washpost.com, bennettp@washpost.com, ombudsman@washpost.com respectively.  
Politely but directly point out errors. Point out the article's bias-by-omission, including silence on Palestinian terrorism. Insist that coverage of Jerusalem and settlement-related issues be comprehensive, not compulsively tilted against Jews and Israel.
Please send a blind copy (bcc) of your letter(s) to  letters@camera.org and us4israel@gmail.com.
Just in case you are not acquainted with CAMERA, here's the link: www.camera.org.  

Thanks for helping Israel,



1. Comments, questions and complaints welcome! Write us at us4israel@gmail.com about any aspect of supporting Israel's rights and overcoming anti-Semitism toward Israel and Israelis


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יום שלישי, 13 במאי 2008

As President Bush flies to Israel, every fax helps!

As President Bush flies to Israel, every fax helps! scroll down to unsubscribe


At the request of Israeli political experts, we bring you
part of a statement issued May 2, 2008 by the Quartet (United Nations, Russia, the United States and European Union) regarding Israel and the Palestinians: "[T]he Quartet expressed its deep concern at continuing settlement activity and called on Israel to freeze all settlement activity including natural growth.... It called on the Palestinian Authority to ... fight terrorism."

Source: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2008/may/104319.htm

Analysis: The Quartet, a relatively anti-Israel body, mentions "settlement activity" (building of homes for almost half a million ordinary, peaceful, productive Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria) -- together with terrorism.

This implies moral equivalency between these two totally different activities: one (Israeli home-building) legitimate and peaceful -- the other (Palestinian terrorism) heinous!  

Worse: Settlement activity (home-building) evinces "deep concern" in the statement -- terrorism does not! And the demand to stop building Israeli homes appears first, hence is more important than the demand to stop killing innocent Israelis and Jews! Even building homes to accomodate natural growth of the Israeli population (large families are common in Israel) is a cause for "deep concern".

We must speak up for Israel! Fax President Bush directly at his hotel in Jerusalem, and urge him to clarify the following: "Settlement activity" is simply the act of building homes for Israelis. Terrorism is horrible and must be stopped -- but there is nothing wrong or immoral about "settlement activity!"






1. Comments, questions and complaints welcome! Write us at us4israel@gmail.com about any aspect of supporting Israel's rights 


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יום חמישי, 1 במאי 2008

Write a quick email to help Israel

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Update on Israel...
* What the Palestinian Authority is demanding from Israel
* And how you can help Israel
The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has asked Bush to "keep a closer eye on"  -- no, not on Palestinian terror. On  Israel's "expansion" of settlements: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/977824.html
This is a reference to the longstanding Palestinian demand that Israel "freeze" all building of homes and schools -- even homes to accomodate natural population growth -- in "settlements" (Israeli frontier towns located inside Judea and Samaria/ the West Bank). 
It is common for Israeli families to have 4 or 5, or even 10 children.  It is impossible not to build for such large families, so Israel needs your help.
Write to  Prime Minister Olmert, Foreign Minister Livni and  Defense Minister Barak,  cc former Prime Minister Netanyahu, specifically about settlements:
* Assure these leaders that you support building in  "settlements" and "outposts" --  anywhere Israelis live.
* Thank Defense Minister Barak for an important recent statement:  "I do not want to evacuate children by force" (Maariv - Israeli daily newspaper, 6 April 08)
* Say that as an American citizen you strongly oppose forceable evacuation of Israelis from outposts and settlements (as occurred a couple of years ago in Gush Katif, for example).
* Important (because this is the point...): Ask the Ministers to please show your letter to the American Administration.
If you wish, bcc us at: us4israel@gmail.com. Thanks for helping Israel, from: US4Israel
1. Comments welcome! Write us at us4israel@gmail.com about any aspect of supporting Israel's rights and overcoming anti-Semitism toward Israel and Israelis
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