יום חמישי, 29 בינואר 2009

New video from the18 and how you can help

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Remember that a Palestinian state will put all of Israel's big cities into rocket range. Watch the video to see what Americans can do to prevent this.

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As someone who signed up as a friend of the18 and the campaign to stop the rush to a 2-state solution, we are excited to share with you a link to a new compelling video, just released on the well-respected blog, Little Green Footballs

the18 video on LGF: Questions About America's Role in a Palestinian State

As suggested in the video, contact President Obama with your concerns about the creation of a Palestinian terror state on Israel's border.

One look at the headlines from this past week makes it clear we are facing an urgent situation.

Here is how you can help

Please share the link to the video with your friends and family and urge them to watch -- and think about everything that is at stake. 

And encourage them to join with us.

Join the18

Thank you for your support of our "No on 2-State" campaign. You will be hearing from us again soon.


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the18 | 12 Ben Gurion Road | Yerushalayim | Israel | Israel

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