יום חמישי, 28 באפריל 2011


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יום שני, 25 באפריל 2011

Israeli Cabinet Minister's Nephew Killed/ U.S.-backed Terrorism? / US-Brokered Broken Accord?

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Israeli Minister's nephew slain by Palestinian armed forces

In Israel, the unarmed nephew of Israel's Sport and Culture Minister Limor Livnat was shot to death by Palestinian armed forces  when he was en route to the historical Tomb of Joseph where he had hoped to pray. Ben Yosef Livnat, a civilian, was 24 years old, married and the father of 4 young children.  http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4060187,00.html


Palestinians in Shooting Spree U.S.-Trained

Posted By P. David Hornik On April 25, 2011 @ 9:18 am In Uncategorized | No Comments

Since 2007 the U.S. has invested (see http://pajamasmedia.com./blog/is-the-u-s-building-the-next-intifada/) hundreds of millions of dollars in training and equipment for Palestinian Authority security forces. Reports [2] of rampant torture in the prisons run by these forces, and warnings [3] by Israeli military and other figures of the danger posed to Israel, have gone unheeded.

Early Sunday morning the danger grimly materialized. At least one PA policeman opened fire on a group of Israeli worshipers in Nablus in the West Bank, killing one and wounding four, including one seriously....

****************Before you read on: If you are concerned about the information in this email and would like organizations representing American friends of Israel to take action, forward this email to known pro-Israel organizations in the United States who may be willing to take action on your behalf, so as to stop US support for Palestinian terror forces and/or so as to enforce the US-brokered agreement according to which Jewish holy sites in Judea and Samaria are to be accessed freely by Israelis and Jews.
Email addresses of pro-Israeli organizations in the United States who might be pleased to take action if approached by several members of the public include:
 (Anti-Defamation Leage, Americans for a Safe Israel, Agudath Israel, Conference of Presidents, Lubavitch-Chabad USA, OU - Public Affairs Dept.; Young Israel, ZOA - respectively)
If some or all of these organizations report back that they have taken action, it will then be possible to approach additional organizations. So, if possible kindly notify us4israel@gmail.com if any of the organizations report action taken, so that appropriate further action can be considered. ********************************************************************

Document: Interim Agreement - Josephs Tomb to have Israeli guards and free unimpeded access for Israelis


Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA   24 April 2011  http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=52052


(...) Limor Livnat's nephew is being buried today because he wanted to pray at Joseph's Tomb and wasn't willing to wait to see when he would have the chance to be part of the select few chosen for the monthly visit.  That's not what was supposed to be under the agreement.

 A once a month visit for a select few is anything but "free, unimpeded and secure access".  But at the end of the day the agreement was just a piece of paper.

 Just like the next piece of paper....

 For the record here is the last one. (...)



September 28, 1995

Annex I Protocol Concerning Redeployment and Security Arrangements ARTICLE V Security Arrangements in the West Bank


 2. Area A

b. Jewish Holy Sites

(1) The following provisions will apply with respect to the security arrangements in Jewish holy sites in Area A which are listed in Appendix 4 to this Annex:

(a) While the protection of these sites, as well as of persons visiting them, will be under the responsibility of the Palestinian Police, a JMU shall function in the vicinity of, and on the access routes to, each such site, as directed by the relevant DCO.

(b) The functions of each such JMU shall be as follows:

(i) to ensure free, unimpeded and secure access to the relevant Jewish holy site; and

(ii) to ensure the peaceful use of such site, to prevent any potential instances of disorder and to respond to any incident.

(c) Given the Jewish religious nature of such sites, Israeli plainclothes guards may be present inside such sites.

(2) The present situation and the existing religious practices shall be preserved.


Jewish Holy Sites

Pursuant to Article V of this Annex the Jewish Holy Sites are as follows:

1. Joseph's Tomb (Nablus)

2. Shalom Al Israel synagogue (Jericho)



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יום שישי, 15 באפריל 2011

URGENT ACTION ALERT - Say no to IDF Withdrawal from West Bank!

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The Unity Coalition for Israel has organized this (other American Jewish organizations are doing nothing...). They need the public to cooperate, of course, so please pass this on.

Unity Coalition for Israel



Say no to IDF Withdrawal from West Bank

Please read this background and then sign and send the email below to PM Netanyahu, the Knesset members and United States leadership.

The Prime Minister is considering the option of withdrawing Israeli Defense Forces from the West Bank (Haaretz, April 11, 2011).  This would be a fatal step in the wrong direction.  The Christian and Jewish Zionist community must let him know that we stand with the Likud party - 78%  do not support diplomatic efforts toward Palestinian statehood.  The IDF must remain in the West Bank until the Palestinians – both Fatah and Hamas – reform their governments and communities and cease terrorist activities. Sign the letter below to send this pro-Israel letter to key decision makers.



Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu,

We understand that you are considering the option of withdrawing Israeli Defense Forces from the West Bank (Haaretz, April 11, 2011).  The Israeli leadership must learn to stop negotiating with itself.  The PA has learned that Israel consistently demonstrates that it caves in to the Western leaders.  As a result, the PA receives concessions for not negotiating.  There is no incentive for the Palestinians to negotiate.  

Unfortunately, our Western leaders keep pressuring Israel to make unilateral concessions.  We must remember the disastrous consequences following the withdrawal from the Sinai and Gaza (Gush Katif).  These withdrawals did not bring peace but increased terrorist and rocket attacks.

Instead, Israel needs to take the position that the PA has abrogated the OSLO accords with their constant incitement and refusal to negotiate. They have not amended their charter or acknowledged Israel as a Jewish state.  According to the PA, Israel does not even exist.  Therefore OSLO was never implemented and Israel should not be negotiating further concessions. Any discussion at this point should start from square one and the PA and Israel need to talk directly to each other.

There is much talk among United States Zionists that Israel should annex all of the the territory, just as should have been done in 1967.  It's now or never and it's a question of survival.  There are millions of supporters in the United States who are sympathetic to Israel's cause and will take a strong position on behalf of a secure Israel.  American Zionist public opinion is consistent with the opinion of many of the Likud members as expressed in the latest Ma'agar Mohot poll.  Seventy eight percent of the rank and file members of your own Likud party do not support diplomatic efforts toward Palestinian statehood.  We agree with the Knesset position and we look to you, Prime Minister, to take a strong stand on Israel's behalf.  You were elected to reinforce Israel's rights and make the case for those rights at an international level.  

We urge you not to make concessions.  Instead, we agree with Foreign Minister Lieberman that the elimination of Hamas should become a strategic goal before negotiations resume. We urge you to counter-act the plans of the Palestinians to unilaterally declare a Palestinian State through the United Nations, as this would be a death sentence for the State of Israel and its citizens.




If you wish, bcc us at: us4israel@gmail.com.


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יום שלישי, 5 באפריל 2011

New Pressurizing Statement By ADL's Abe Foxman May Raise Eyebrows

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Pressurizing statement by ADL Nat'l Director Abe Foxman Could Cause Trouble for Israel



Foxman's public pressure on Israel: ADL National Director Abraham Foxman publicly asserted, this week, that it would "help make the case for Israel" if the Netanyahu government decides to present a "diplomatic initiative". Mr. Foxman assured his interviewer that "ninety percent" of American Jews would want the prime minister to "take some kind of initiative". Israel has to enter into a diplomatic initiative "for Israel's sake", Mr. Foxman insisted .http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?ID=215134&R=R1&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

This statement appears to be an ill-advised attempt of Mr. Foxman to apply public pressure to the Prime Minister of the State of Israel ("would help make the case for Israel", "ninety percent of American Jews would want", "Israel has to do it", etc.  The statement was made by Mr. Foxman at a time in which there is no lack of powerful world figures pressuring Mr. Netanyahu already. 
Can cause violence, lawfare, incitement: The pressurizing recommendation made by Mr. Foxman could be particular serious because, international mindset being what it is, each time an Israeli prime-minister offers a "diplomatic initiative", he is expected  to announce a package of territorial and other concessions toward Palestinians. Many concessions made by Israeli prime ministers  to the Palestinians in the course of "diplomatic initiatives" have in the past led to violence, bloodshed, lawfare, international media incitement and other extremely troublesome outcomes for Israel.  For example, Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza disengagement plan vastly increased the ability of Palestinians to lob rockets at large cities in Southern Israel, such as Beer-Sheva, Ashkelon and Ashdod; as well as generating the still-ongoing Gilad Shalit fiasco and serving as backdrop for massive international de-legitimization of Israel, including both the Goldstone Report, which harshly criticized Israel's attempts to protect itself against Gaza, and the Gaza flotilla affair.   
Just today, Israel's Minister for Strategic Affairs and former Chief-of-Staff, Minister Bogy Yaelon, stated that he is firmly opposed to concessions. (In Hebrew: http://www.ynet.co.il/home/0,7340,L-1924,00.html). Mr. Foxman's pressurizing statement seems to undermine the well-informed warning of the Government of Israel's most senior strategy expert.
Dangerous? Can turn to Mr. Foxman: If you are concerned about Mr. Foxman's pressurizing recommendation,  and feel that such statements, coming  from Israel's disapora, may elbow Israel's prime-minister toward concessions which are dangerous for his country, please feel free to forward this email to Mr. Foxman: afoxman@adl.org, and ask him whether he would be willing to consider withdrawing the pressurizing recommendation he has delivered publicly to the Government of Israel.

Please pass this on to others who may be concerned. If you wish, bcc us at: us4israel@gmail.com.


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April 5, 2011 Tuesday 1 Nisan 5771 14:52 IST print gohome
Print Edition
Photo by: Gary Cameron / Reuters
'US firmly opposed to PA seeking statehood in UN'
Top White House ME adviser Dennis Ross tells ADL conference that negotiations the only way to produce a Palestinian state.
WASHINGTON – The US is firmly opposed to Palestinians pursuing a unilateral declaration of statehood through the UN, the top White House Middle East adviser said Monday.

"We have consistently made it clear that the way to produce a Palestinian state is through negotiations, not through unilateral declarations, not through going to the UN," Dennis Ross told the Anti-Defamation League's annual leadership conference. "Our position on that has been consistent in opposition."

'Quartet 'parameters' must address our needs'
How Palestinians will use the GA to advance statehood

As expectations increase that the Palestinians will seek a UN resolution on the issue this September, Ross disparaged the idea as unhelpful not only to the overall diplomatic environment, but to advancing the Palestinians' own goals. "This doesn't make it more likely that there'll be a Palestinian state," he said.

Instead Ross reiterated the need for Palestinians and Israelis to engage directly, particularly given the regime-toppling occurring in the region. He said that young and emerging leaderships needed to see that Israel could make peace with the Palestinians and that negotiations were a course for achieving results.

"It's important that they see that peace is a possibility," he said. "They need to see that negotiations can not only take place, but they can produce."

For that to happen, he said, each side needed to show that it understood the other's needs and realities, including the Palestinians providing assurances over Israel's very real security needs.

In addition, he said, "The Palestinians need to see that they can have an independent state that's contiguous and viable."

Despite the regional confusion and the stalemate between Israelis and Palestinians, Ross declared that "one thing in this period of uncertainty that is certain is our relationship with Israel, bound with a set of shared values and interests."

He continued, "The commitment to Israel's security is unshakable and ironclad. It's not just words. We are giving it life and meaning each day."

He noted the very real risks, particularly Iran, and emphasized America's intention to make sure Iran doesn't acquire a nuclear weapon.

"We will continue to increase the pressure on the Iranians," Ross said, pointing to sanctions and other diplomatic measures already being deployed against the regime, which is continuing to enrich uranium in defiance of the international community.

Ross also acknowledged the risk that Iran would take advantage of the regional upheaval. "Iran sees in the turmoil something to exploit," he said, though he also spoke of opportunities stemming from the unrest.

For one thing, Ross pointed to Arab regimes that have long blamed Israel for ills in the Middle East so as not to have to focus on the very frustrations among their population that triggered the current rebellions; a dynamic that would likely change.

"They sought to deflect the anger they knew existed in their own societies onto others – onto the United States and onto Israel," he said.

While so far the popular demonstrations have focused very little attention on Israel and the Palestinians, former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk warned that they could.

"This doesn't mean they won't come around to the Palestinian issue," said Indyk, who spoke at an ADL conference panel after Ross. "It's not that this cause isn't important to the Palestinian state. It's that they have more important issues to deal with."

He assessed that while the prospects for a deal between Jerusalem and Damascus had dramatically shifted as a result of the demonstrations – "the potential for making peace between Israel and Syria [went] out the window" – he urged the Israelis and Palestinians to hold quiet talks "while the rest of the Arab world isn't watching."

Though he said the US would never allow the unilateral declaration of statehood to pass at the UN, Israel's diplomatic alliances were fraying nonetheless.

"Time is not on Israel's side," he warned. "This would be a good time for the Israeli leadership to take initiative."

Elliott Abrams, a deputy national security adviser in the George W. Bush administration who appeared alongside Indyk, agreed that Israel should take action despite the uncertainty in the region.

While Abrams didn't foresee much likelihood of a final-status deal being reached with the Palestinians, he argued that Israel could still take steps in the short term toward the goal of a two-state solution that would yield dividends.

"There is a very broad consensus in Israel that they need to separate from the Palestinians," he said. "I think that Israel would get a tremendous amount of diplomatic credit if it took any steps toward the goal that it seeks."

Two proposals by Abrams were that the Knesset pass a law to compensate anyone living in far-flung settlements if they voluntarily moved within the security fence line, and that Israel itself recognize a Palestinian state, thereby undercutting the diplomatic momentum against Israel.

"We need to get past the notion that separating from the Palestinians is a favor for the Palestinians," he declared. "The Zionists did not create Israel by waiting for the help of others."

Following the panel, ADL National Director Abraham Foxman said it would help make the case for Israel if the Netanyahu government made a diplomatic initiative, given efforts to isolate Israel and blame it for the impasse with the Palestinians.

"Ninety percent of American Jews would want the prime minister to take some kind of initiative," he said, though he didn't offer any specifics or indicate whether he felt the Jewish community had a policy preference.

"Israel has to do it for Israel's sake," Foxman said. "Part of Israel's sake is the diplomatic atmosphere."