יום ראשון, 21 במרץ 2010

Supporters of Israel in USA, Eur etc: note new risk Israel is being asked to assume

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Supporters of Israel abroad - please note yet another new risk Israel is being asked to assume.

Write to your local paper  about how a Palestinian West Bank (Yehuda veShomron, in Hebrew) will mean, for the Arab nation, only a 20th state. For the Jews, it may mean the end of the ONLY state the Jews have -- due to the extreme proximity between the West Bank and Israel's population centers.
Please bcc a copy of your letter to us4israel@gmail.com. Thanks for being practical. Thanks for helping Israel.




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יום שבת, 6 במרץ 2010

URGENT ACTION ALERT End U.S. pressure to delegitimize Israeli sovereignty

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-----US4ISRAEL FORWARDING Original Message From: UCI
Unity Coalition for Israel
Editor's Note: Friday March 05, 2010

URGENT ACTION ALERT - End U.S. pressure to delegitimize Israeli sovereignty.

Dear Action Alert Responder,

UCI asks you to sign this Urgent Action Alert to President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and other US and Israeli officials. The United States pressure to delegitimize Israel's sovereignty over their archeological and holy sites must not continue.

We ask that you read the letter shown below carefully and if you agree with it, please sign and post to your social network.  Here's a short URL for your convenience - http://uc4i.org/a

You have the ability to change any wording or make any additions that you would like. Click here to send now.


President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton,

I respectfully urge you to speak out for Israel's sovereign rights in regard to land usage in their own country.
The UN, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Fatah and Hamas have all weighed in against Israel having asserted sovereignty in Judea over two ancient Biblical sites - Hebron's Machpelah Cave of the Patriarchs and the Bethlehem burial site of Matriarch Rachel.

Hebron community spokesman, Noam Arnon, noted that the Patriarchs' Cave "was a Jewish site thousands of years before Islam ever existed." The Torah testifies to the authenticity of Israel's claim to ancient heritage in Judea. Yet State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the U.S. administration views the move as "provocative." He said it was unhelpful to the goal of getting the two sides back to the negotiating table. Furthermore, Prime Minister Netanyahu has been simultaneously pressured by the US to accept 68 illeg! al Arab homes, legalizing them even though they are built on important archeological findings.

It is untenable that Israel's simple action of wanting to retain two small Biblical sites within their sovereign control is being labeled "provocative", while 68 illegal Arab home sites defy legal restrictions and are granted retroactive legal status because of pressure from the US President and the State Department.

Please make it clear to the world that the US backs Israel's right to sovereignty over these two extremely important domestic Israeli issues:

1- their right of sovereignty over ancient Jewish sites located in Judea

2- their right of sovereignty over 68 illegally built Arab homes, which also infringe on their right to control treasured archeological artifacts.

Why does the United States interfere in the domestic affairs of a sovereign democratic ally? The US State Department has encouraged Arabs to go to battle over what should be a non-issue. It is apparent that Israel has legitimate claims and sovereignty over their religious sites.

If the Palestinians really want to show good faith toward a peace agreement, this would be the perfect time. And, instead of fostering antagonistic demands, the US State Department should stop delegitimizing Israel's sovereignty rights and trivializing their ancient religious sites.

I believe that all of the threats of genocide against Israel by leaders of the Middle East are far move "provocative" in spoiling any real chance for "peace." They should be condemned and become a priority issue of our government rather than our continuing to make unreasonable territorial demands of Israel.

The question remains: will the US begin to support Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East?

We must demonstrate our support and stop wrongly forcing Israel to relinquish their irreplaceable territory to their sworn enemies, receiving only threats of genocide in return.


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If you want to join us in this urgent action click here to send now.

Contents: (summaries below)
  1. Why Palestinians Riot Over Jewish Heritage Sites, Frontpagemag.com, Moshe Dann

Why Palestinians Riot Over Jewish Heritage Sites
Moshe Dann

Frontpagemag.com, March 03, 2010

Last week saw an upsurge in Palestinian riots and attacks against Israeli vehicles in Gaza and the West Bank. What crime did Israel commit to invite the wave of violence? Israel's government simply announced that it intended to honor the country's heritage by including the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem in a list of Israeli national "heritage" sites.

The violence-fueled Palestinian reaction may seem entirely disproportionate to Israel's offense. But a look at the historical background shows that it is not without grim precedent...

Click here for the complete article, or copy and paste this link into your web browser:





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