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Dear friends and supporters of Israel,
Meretz is a far left fringe Knesset party with 3 Knesset members out of 120.
The party regards historic Judea & Samaria as "occupied" territories and the Jewish communities there as "illegal settlements" none of which has a grain of truth, legally or otherwise.
Anybody with minimum knowledge of history, international law, geography and sense of security, and yes, a little brain, would know that these far-left claims are completely false and even stupid.
Meretz, who was reduced from about 15 Knesset members to 3 since their days of glory during the 1993 Oslo Accords debacle, and the American branch of Meretz, having nothing better to do but to cut the branch on which all of us, fellow Jews, sit, have announced a US boycott of Israeli products, produced by the Israeli Judea & Samaria heroes who by their diligent actions enrich Israel's economy, enhance Israel's security and would safeguard the future of Israel when they are called upon to be the front line against any Arab attack from the east.
On their site, Meretz USA is listing the products they want you to boycott.
I hope that all of you, my 4000 plus readers, would take note of the listed products and counter Meretz's treasonous boycott by buying as much as possible these products listed on the site. I mean clean the shelves!!!!
Enough already with this tiny misguided minority who kick and scream calling for destructive actions, when they cannot prove themselves politically in the ballot box in a proper democratic way. Shame on them.
Your Truth Provider,
Yuval Zaliouk is eighth generation Israeli born.
He is an international symphony conductor, a lawyer, a businessman, a chef, a pilot and an amateur photographer.
Mr. Zaliouk lives both in the USA and Israel. Zaliouk says that, "like most artists, he was influenced by leftist ideology until in 2000, following the failed Camp David negotiations,he understood that the Arabs have no intention of ever reaching true and lasting peace with Israel."
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