Mr. Zaliouk lives both in the USA and Israel. Like most artists, he was influenced by leftist ideology until in 2000, following the failed Camp David negotiations,he understood that the Arabs have no intention of ever reaching true and lasting peace with Israel.
Thus began a period of thorough studies of the Middle East conflict. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Zaliouk launched his Truth Provider bulletin dispatched to an ever expending list of readers all over the world, today about 3500.
Dear friends, It is nothing less than shocking and frightening to listen to Israeli leaders' promises in the months prior to the 2005 "Disengagement" from Gaza.
We were promised less terror, less casualties, better security and a multitude of other promises, ALL proven absolutely wrong!!!
Gaza today is controlled by terrorist organization Hamas, Thousands of rockets rained on Israel and two wars were a direct result of this shortsighted horror.
Among those who supported the "Disengagement" were some of the so-called "right - wing" leaders, including PM Netanyahu, who today are marching us towards the demise of Israel. Judea and Samaria are not the relatively remote Gaza. These Jewish homeland territories are at the very heart of Israel, a short few miles from Tel Aviv.
Now, would you trust today the foresight of the same leaders who lead us out of Gaza?
Remember, Ariel Sharon was elected to protect Gaza's Jewish communities and reneged on his promise. Is PM Netanyahu and his government repeating the Sharon lies?
Watch this clip carefully and listen to the false empty promises. Make up your mind. We must all prevent the suicide perpetrated on us by Obama, Hilary, Abu Mazen and Netanyahu!
Your Truth Provider,
Yuval. www.truthprovider.com
Here is the evidence to the empty promises we received from Israeli leaders prior to the "Disengagement" from Gaza in 2005. YES, PM Netanyahu also upported the shameful plan!
Now, the same empty promises are made yet again, by the same 'leaders!'
Are we supposed to believe them?
Pass it on. Thanks for helping Israel.
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