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URGENT re female "monster" terrorist serving 16 life-sentences for slaughtering two parents and their 3 small children and many others.
Authored by father of teenage female terror victim. Also endorsed by Israpundit (see below), Children of Holocaust Survivors, Mattot Arim in Israel and many others. Please sign IMMEDIATELY and pass on:
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Sign Petition to Keep Planner of Sbarro Terrorist Attack in Prison

From Arnold Roth, father of Malki, 15, murdered in the Sbarro terror attack in Jerusalem, 2001.
Please pass this heartfelt request along urgently to your contacts. It's a request to sign a petition, online here:
Under normal circumstances, requests to sign a petition are unlikely to lead to any significant outcomes. In this case, we are hoping to do something important.
The petition asks for the removal of one specific name from the list of more than one thousand terrorists, including hundreds of convicted murderers, to be published by the government of Israel tomorrow, Sunday. That list is the basis of a transaction by which Israel will get back Gilad Shalit, held hostage by the terrorists of Hamas for more than five years. The deal involves Israel throwing open the gates of its top-security prisons and issuing wholesale pardons. My wife Frimet and I have expressed our principled objection to the deal. While others are busy trying to stop it in the courts, we are focusing our energies on one specific person, and getting her off the list.
Her name is Tamimi. An article in today's New York Times [
Under normal circumstances, requests to sign a petition are unlikely to lead to any significant outcomes. In this case, we are hoping to do something important.
The petition asks for the removal of one specific name from the list of more than one thousand terrorists, including hundreds of convicted murderers, to be published by the government of Israel tomorrow, Sunday. That list is the basis of a transaction by which Israel will get back Gilad Shalit, held hostage by the terrorists of Hamas for more than five years. The deal involves Israel throwing open the gates of its top-security prisons and issuing wholesale pardons. My wife Frimet and I have expressed our principled objection to the deal. While others are busy trying to stop it in the courts, we are focusing our energies on one specific person, and getting her off the list.
Her name is Tamimi. An article in today's New York Times [
] provides some background:
Among those is Ahlam Tamimi, a 31-year-old woman who was a key figure in the pizzeria attack. She is often described as the driver of the car that brought the suicide bomber to the Sbarro restaurant and killed 15 people. But the Roths say her role went far beyond that, to the actual planning of the attack. In interviews from prison, Ms. Tamimi, who was a journalist, has told of having brought the suicide bomber to Jerusalem and then going on Palestinian television's afternoon broadcast to announce the news of the attack without acknowledging her involvement. "I'm not sorry for what I did," she told an Israeli news organization in 2006. "I will get out of prison, and I refuse to recog! nize Israel's existence. Discussions will only take place after Israel recognizes that this is Islamic land."
Even if you do not normally sign petitions, or pass them along to friends, we ask you to seriously consider signing this one. Once again, it's online here:
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